Driver Of The Month: October 2021

We’re thrilled to announce Peter Burnett as our Driver of the Month for October!

Peter is a part-time driver with us, and the consistently high-quality work he provides us with, and his humility, make it so easy to work with him.

We would additionally like to highlight the quality of the photos Peter takes - we’re glad to see a clear hobby moulding into his role as an exceptional Engineius driver!

Every movement Peter has completed to date has been seamless and we have only been receiving positive feedback from our customers for his movements. Thank you, Peter, and congratulations!

What do you love most about the job?

I enjoy getting the opportunity to see so much of the country carrying out the vehicle movements, and I really get a buzz when I go onto the Portal and pick out likely jobs, and then look into the logistics of the movements.

How do you ensure you deliver vehicles on time?

Once I have selected the movements, I look into the best and quickest way to conduct them, utilising public transport to ensure the job is completed within the required timescale.

What has been your best experience with Engineius so far?

I am obviously very pleased to have been awarded ‘Driver of the Month’ - it is always extremely rewarding to have your efforts recognised.

How many miles do you do on average a week?

As I only work part-time so I do not clock up as many miles as some of the other drivers, however, I would probably average between 400 to 700 miles a week.

What do you think are the secrets behind getting to where you’ve got to?

I believe that I have got to where I am today because I take great pride in performing each task to the best of my ability, simple!

What drives you to succeed in this job?

I want to succeed because Engineius have given me a fantastic opportunity to do so, and I want to do everything I can to support them and be the best ambassador I can for the company.

Do you reconcile your jobs and expenses on a regular basis?

Yes - once a week in order to keep my paperwork side of the job efficient.

What are you most excited for this year?

Along with the majority, I am excited at the prospect of the Covid restrictions being lifted further as the pandemic becomes more controllable and feeling more confident while using public transport.

What makes Engineius a special place to work?

I enjoy the freedom that Engineius allows me in selecting my own jobs and I feel assured that there is a great team supporting the drivers. Friendly and efficient backup is just a phone call away! I look forward to continuing my association with this young and pragmatic company.

What is the best advice you can give other drivers?

My advice to other drivers is to look into the logistics of each job they select to ensure movements run smoothly, timescales are met, and most importantly, that the customer is happy. Never panic, help is always at hand!


By winning Driver of the Month, you not only have the opportunity to feature on the company website, but you will also receive a brand new high-vis Engineius-branded jacket as a thank you from the Engineius team for all your hard work! Could you be our November Driver of the Month?

Seeking commercial movements? Find out more today.

Want to drive with Engineius? Apply now.


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