Waiting Time Policy

In the event a driver is held up when fulfilling a vehicle movement through no fault of their making, they can claim Waiting Time as an expense. 

Note: traffic delays or public transport related issues do not qualify.

All customers are afforded a 30 minute grace period. This means that the waiting time clock will not start until the first 30 minutes has expired.

Current waiting time is £3.75 per full 15 minute or £15/hour. Waiting time is only payable for each completed 15 minute segments, e.g. driver will only be paid £7.50 for 40 minutes of waiting time.


Waiting Time could be applicable when:

  1. Vehicle is not ready for collection

  2. Issues with vehicle being rectified

  3. Waiting for payments to clear before vehicle is released

  4. Waiting for authorisation from customer to proceed with movement

Please note the following restrictions on Waiting Time:

  • Qualifying Waiting Time period only starts once a problem has been encountered and reported.

  • If your app tracking is not working, you must call into the Engineius Operations office to inform them that Waiting Time has started.

  • Time does not start from the moment a driver arrives at pickup site.

  • Time does not start whilst driver is waiting to be processed by pickup site.

  • Time does not start when the driver has identified damage during his inspection process, but it does start once the damage has been reported to customer.

  • Delays caused by heavy traffic, detours or road closures do not qualify for waiting time.

  • Delays caused by transit connections do not qualify for waiting time.

  • Qualifying waiting time only applies after the drop-off window starts.


Charging time

Waiting Time is a different expense to Charging Time, and the two should not be confused. Charging Time is only applicable to charging electric vehicles.

The following should be noted in submitting expenses for Charging Time:

  1. 30 minute grace period do NOT apply, actual charging time will be applied, but requires photo of charging station output.

  2. It is driver's responsibility to ensure parking penalties are avoided, as they will be liable.

  3. Waiting time will only be paid whilst the vehicle is charging, not by the length of time connected.

Please be aware that at some charging venues, a parking penalty could be incurred:

  • At some hotel car parks if the driver does not register with reception desk;

  • At some charging stations, there are time limits as to how long you can stay connected to charging station before you incur a penalty. This is to discourage EV users from blocking other users once the vehicle has been charged. (Please note, limit is often below time required for a full charge.)


For more information, please contact us.