Blue Monday

Forget it’s #bluemonday – we are going to brighten your Monday and week by sharing some tips on ways to beat the Monday blues. Luckily, we’ve listed 8 ways to do just that…

1. Go outside! It’s mid-January, we probably have not seen the sun in a while. Take a moment away from your desk and go for a walk (if you can!) ☀️

2. Put your headphones in! Listen to some uplifting music at your desk or on your way to work 🎧

3. Do a good deed! Cheer someone else up – maybe buy someone a drink or a bite to eat, offer to help someone if you can see they are struggling, or call a friend to see how they’re getting on 😄

4. Set new goals! Don’t worry if you have already given up on your new year's resolution! Take this as an opportunity to set new, more achievable goals that you can get excited about 📋

5. Exercise! Go for a run, do a workout, stroll with a friend… there are plenty of workout apps and videos on YouTube to help. This increases your energy, improves well-being and will help you get a better night’s sleep 🎾

6. Make sure that you have something to get excited about, new year, new experiences! Make plans for the next few months and have events to look forward to with friends and family! 🎉

7. Switch off! It’s important to make sure you take some time to yourself every day to do something that you enjoy... Perhaps read a book, do some drawing, or play a game ⏰

8. Be kind to yourself! Take some time to reflect on the positives in your life, what’s going well for you and what you have achieved 🙏


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