Customer Feedback and Customer Forum

In November of last year, we set about asking our customers and suppliers, and our own staff, how they felt about working with Engineius as a precursor to quarterly customer forums. Our Sales & Marketing Consultant, Angela Truman, conducted in-depth interviews with a dozen customers. Here’s what we learned…

Who did we ask? 

We interviewed 12 customers that were intentionally diverse across…

  • Sectors (dealership, leasing, corporate fleet, rental, and others)

  • Loyalty (key customers, lost customers, new customers, not customers at all) 

  • Seniority (key decision-makers, operational managers, day to day users) 

Why did we interview them? 

We wanted to find out how our customers felt about working with Engineius. We set out with the belief that vehicle movement could be done better, and we wanted to take stock to see where the first 30 months of operating had got us. Crucially, we wanted to find out what we needed to do next. 

I’ve got 10 seconds, what was the headline? 

We’ve made a good start but we’ve got work to do. People love the idea and the tech; the next chapter for Engineius is all about communication and delivery.

And in a few more words? 

Three really clear messages came out of the interviews: 

#1 Our technology is our USP to build upon

Customers really buy into what Engineius is trying to do. Universally, they feel no one has cracked vehicle movement and they really want a fresh approach to work. 

Specifically, they really like Engineius’ commitment to total transparency (full information including tracking on every movement). They felt this was backed up by staff who are friendly, helpful, and “genuinely listen”. 

#2 Communication and delivery should be the focus areas to make the service as market-leading as the tech 

By design, the survey group ranged from “Engineius evangelist” to “gone elsewhere”. Those that were less satisfied made it clear that the sense of control that the software gives them needs to be followed through right to when the vehicle is delivered to its destination. 

Particularly for retail deliveries, customers need maximum notice of when plans change. Everybody understands the complexity of vehicle movement means it will go wrong; they just want maximum notice when it does. 

#3 Vehicle delivery is changing and the time to act is now! 

Covid is accelerating trends that were already underway. Customers increasingly want the convenience of delivery to their driveway, and companies across the industry are looking for more efficient ways of managing vehicle logistics operations - both to save cost and to improve service. A tech-focused, end-to-end “plugin” service that feels professional to the end-user will tick virtually everyone’s vehicle movement box. 

What happens next? 

We’ve already kicked off 5 initiatives internally to meet the most pressing needs highlighted in the programme. The programme is also the catalyst for our new Customer Forum - a quarterly call (and, in time, in-person meeting!) chaired by Engineius but driven by customers. The key purpose of the Forum is to ensure that we get the steer and feedback from key customers such as you and your organisation on where Engineius should focus next. 

If you would like to join this Customer Forum or if you have any further questions, please email

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Driver Of The Month: January


Driver Of The Month: December