Driver Of The Month: April 2022

As we continue to fly through Q2, we are very happy to announce Simon Joannou as our Driver of the Month for April!

The Engineius team is very appreciative of Simon’s eagerness to assist when needed, plan work ahead of time, and pick jobs up last minute when required.

Your constant hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed - thank you, Simon.

Read on below to find out Simon’s useful tips and tricks that help him efficiently complete his movements with Engineius 👇

What do you love most about the job?

The freedom and flexibility of it all. I joke with friends that it’s an adventure every day.

I have worked in an office behind a computer with hundreds of emails and phone calls all day and realised that it is just not for me.

But I love driving and planning! I'm never watching the clock waiting to go home. The time literally flies by and I love to see different places and meet different people every single day.

How do you ensure you deliver vehicles on time?

There are a million things that could possibly go wrong in a job but good planning and adaptability is the key to getting it done. Phone calls to every collection and drop off site prevent so many issues and saves a lot of time 📞

What has been your best experience with Engineius so far?

I had a very emotional experience with a gentleman selling his recently deceased wife's car a few weeks back.

It was all very recent, I met his children and he invited me in for a coffee while we waited for payment. I was as respectful and sympathetic as I could be given the circumstances.

He was very proud of her car as they used to detail it together. I took good care of it and I think it gave him some comfort throughout the whole process.

How many miles do you do on average a week?

As a rule, I don't tend to do the mega mile days as they aren't practical with a young family. I would say anything between 1000-2000 🚗

What do you think are the secrets behind getting to where you’ve got to?

I would say there's no particular secret. It’s more about experience, planning, and having a good relationship with Ops!

We help each other out to get the job done and ensure everyone is pleased and that's the way it should be.

Flexibility and adaptability are probably the most important skills you can have in this job. Things can easily go wrong but there's always a way to get things done or a way to get around the country! 💪

What drives you to succeed in this job?

I love driving and always have. The variety of vehicles and different places and people we meet is great.

I think the satisfaction of linking a good few days together and achieving what’s been set out is the biggest satisfaction for me.

Do you reconcile your jobs and expenses on a regular basis?

Yes, I keep records of everything and cross-reference it with my schedule history on the portal. I also use an accountant who specialises in logistics.

What are you most excited about this year?

It is breath of fresh air to see the world kind of getting back to normal and everyone being able to get on with things.

It’s been a tough few years for everybody and I'm grateful for having been able to assist and work throughout the pandemic.

What makes Engineius a special place to work?

Engineius is a young up-and-coming company with big ambitions! I like the relationship I have formed with Ops and the banter we have.

It's a good working relationship and we get things done, and it is also nice to feel appreciated - especially after a long day 😊

What is the best advice you can give other drivers?

I would say planning, phone calls, and communication with Ops, and other fellow platers.

There is always somebody with more experience than you that can give you advice on how to achieve your day or to get out of a tricky location.


By winning Driver of the Month, you not only have the opportunity to feature on the company website, but you will also receive a brand new high-vis Engineius-branded jacket as a thank you from the Engineius team for all your hard work! Could you be our May Driver of the Month?

Seeking commercial movements? Find out more today.

Want to drive with Engineius? Apply now.


On the Road: Donovan Daker


Photo Competition April 2022