Engineius Service To Continue After England Lockdown Announcement

Engineius will continue to operate its full vehicle movement service to support customers and suppliers across all four nations of the UK, including England, following the announcement of a 4-week lockdown. 

On 31 October, the UK Government announced a blanket National lockdown for England from Thursday 5th November to Wednesday 2nd December. 

At this time, we would like to reassure all of our partners that Engineius will continue to operate across all UK nations and regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  

Please note that Engineius continued to operate a full UK-wide service throughout the first national lockdown implemented in March 2020. We did so without any systematic service issues, or changes to lead times or pricing. We intend for this to also be the case this time around. 

During this period, the Government specifically white-listed logistics as a critical function that should continue to operate to keep the country moving. We see no reason as to why current or future constraints will be more restrictive than the first lockdown; none of the guidance issued so far suggests that this will be the case. 

It should be noted that there will inevitably be disruption to individual movements in this period, driven by factors such as reduced supplier availability and reductions and delays in public transport links. We would ask that you bear with us where we cannot prevent this; we will strive to communicate all disruption as far in advance as possible. 

We are, of course, taking all necessary measures to ensure that all suppliers, customers, and staff stay safe at this time. Our full Covid-19 policy can be accessed here. Our contactless handover process can be accessed here

We will communicate any changes to our operation or government policy that affects the vehicle movement industry to all relevant parties as they occur.  

In the meantime, we hope everyone is keeping well and safe. 

The Engineius Management Team

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