Lockdown 2.0: 4 Weeks and 4 Reasons Engineius Will be Resilient for Customers

As Lockdown 2.0 comes into force in England this week, we review what we learned from the first lockdown. Specifically, we look at four key reasons as to why the Engineius operating model is particularly robust under Covid-19 restrictions. 

In the Spring, we were proud to continue operating through the first lockdown that began in March. In doing so, we moved vehicles for emergency services, delivered vehicles to key workers, and kept essential fleets moving. 

We did so very safely, with contactless handover procedures followed faultlessly on 99.5%+ of jobs. 

As we enter the second national lockdown, we take a look at the key factors that makes Engineius’ operating model so robust with lockdown measures in place. 

#1 Drivers Self-Organise

Engineius’ in-house driver network comprises over 350 active drivers across the UK. Each driver creates their own schedule, picking not only which jobs they complete, but also how they travel between them. Much of the time, due to our national coverage, it will be another Engineius job which takes them from location to location. 

The traditional model in the industry in vehicle movement is for up to 6 drivers at once to be shuttled around to pickup locations via organised transport - a setup that cannot maintain social distancing and which limits driver flexibility. Our drivers are self-starters, and taking public transport safely was the norm pre-Covid just as it is now. 

(P.s. Our regular drivers also receive employed worker benefits, including sick pay and access to digital GPs. We believe it’s the right thing to do.)

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#2 Our User Journey is Entirely Digital from End to End

Customers placing and managing vehicle movement orders can do so from any devices at any time. The cloud based portal (with unlimited user logins) gives customers the ability to continue to manage vehicle movement even when not in the office. 

For end users, the experience with Engineius is entirely digital. From receiving a text or email to book in their vehicle delivery through to live tracking and digital PoDs, our service is continuing with full transparency as it was pre-Covid. 

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#3 Transporters Add Resilience

In addition to Engineius’ in house national driver network, we also operate a significant transport partner network. These range from single transporters through to bulk carriers with large fleets. 

As well as making transported deliveries, transporters act as a backstop for driven movements. This is critical in lockdown conditions where drivers might have to self isolate at short notice or face reduced public transport options. 

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#4 Remote Working Works! 

We do not have a central compound where all staff work and drivers congregate before heading out. Our drivers are entirely field-based, as are many of our staff. Our central HQ in Birmingham remains open for those who wish to come into work, and our wider staff base is now well-practiced in working from home. 

Seeking commercial movements? Receive a quote now.

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Engineius Service To Continue After England Lockdown Announcement