Movements in Focus - May 2024

This month’s theme for May was bridges 🌁🌉

From iconic cityscapes to hidden gems, each photo truly showcased the beauty and character of these architectural wonders.

It was a tough decision with so many amazing submissions, but our winner’s submission was the most unique - being the only bridge in England that has buildings! 

Scroll down to see who it is 👇

Winner 🏆

Alex van Terheyden

Pulteney Bridge, Bath

Found myself exploring Bath this week - This is the only Bridge in England that has buildings on it. A relic to the the bridges of our past.

Photo Gallery

Click on the photo to find out where this picture was taken and their story 👇

By winning the best photo of the month, you not only have the opportunity for your brilliant picture to feature in the company newsletter, but you will also receive a £25 in Amazon voucher as a thank you from the Engineius team!

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Employee of the Month: Chloe Dare


Driver of the Month: May 2024