On the Road: Gemma Jones

Meet Gemma Jones, our Onboarding & Development Manager!

Gemma manages all things to do from onboarding new drivers to improving processes, online content and their overall experience. She has a keen eye for looking at ways we can continually improve.

Read on further to find out a little more about Gemma and her experience - it is an adventure 🧗🧗

Tell us more about what you do at Engineius?

I joined Engineius in 2019 and have worked in both the Service Delivery and Supplier Engagement departments.

My current role is the Onboarding & Development Manager, we are a team of 2 and are responsible for the recruitment, onboarding and development of our suppliers.

How did you find the trip overall?

I had finished inspecting the vehicle and completed all the required steps on the app, everything was going great until I sat in the drivers seat and realised I did not know how to reverse the vehicle.

Lesson of the day is to not only research the logistics of a move, but also the car controls! 😄

Also, insightful. I am always looking for new ways to improve the driver onboarding and experienced a ‘day in the life’ of an Engineius supplier gave me invaluable perspective on their role.

What did you enjoy most/what was the best part about your trip?

The logistics - I enjoy the planning and organising aspect.

Also, finding the most efficient, cost-saving method to get between jobs (and being prepared for the unexpected).

Is there a location in the UK that you would like to travel through on your next job?

Northern Ireland 🇮🇪

Any further comments?

Thank you to our suppliers for all your hard work! If you know anyone who would make a great Engineius supplier, check out our refer-a-friend scheme 👈

What is your dream car?

I’m happy with my current car – Peugeot 2008. This is perfect for family weekend adventures, our pug, Stitch takes ownership of the back seats!

If I were to upgrade I would go for the Jeep Compass now that Jeep has improved its interior spec.

An interesting fact about yourself?

Prior to working at Engineius, I spent 10 months backpacking through Asia.

The first experience that comes to mind is spending 2 days climbing Mount Emei in China and staying overnight in a Monastery 🧗

What did you do before Engineius?

Previous job roles include working in Retail and Emergency Services.


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