Bulletin Board


GEFCO Sheerness and DMN sites

Hi all,

We have observed a rise in instances where incorrect vehicles are being collected from GEFCO Sheerness and DMN sites for delivery to AADS. We understand that responsibility for this issue lies with both parties involved. While you are provided with the keys, it is crucial to ensure that the correct keys have been given for the vehicle scheduled for collection and delivery.

Our aim is to prevent multiple moves without proper compensation for the completed work.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Double-check all the numbers and letters of the vehicle registration using your app.

  • Cross-reference the VIN number if it is provided.

  • If you are unable to locate the correct vehicle, communicate with the site representative to confirm its whereabouts and verify the details.

  • If a site representative instructs you to collect a vehicle that does not match the booking, please contact the Engineius ops team for assistance.

Damage reporting ⚠️

We have also noticed that some GEFCO collection sites are refusing to take responsibility and sign off pre-existing damage identified by you, our drivers. This is ultimately causing you further delays and hassle, especially on how to deal with the situation.

Here are the guidelines you must follow

  • If you notice any damage to vehicles collected from a GEFFCO site, ask a GEFCO employee to sign the app to acknowledge the damage.


  • Press the Pause button on the Engineius app. Normal waiting time procedure applies. 

  • Call the Engineius operations team on 0121 481 2111 and we will deal with the problem for you.

  • We will tell our customer that GEFCO is refusing to sign for the damage.

  • If our customer can not convince GEFCO to sign for the damage, we will abort the move.

  • You will be paid the full abort fee.

  • If GEFCO agree to sign for the damage, complete the move as normal.

If you leave the site without a signature and without calling Engineius first, the cost of repairing the damage will be passed on to you, the driver.
