Bulletin Board


GEFCO Sheerness Complaint

Hi all,

Unfortunately, GEFCO Sheerness has complained regarding instances where drivers failed to adhere to site signage and parked vehicles in the on-site car park. Multiple drivers have also expressed about on-site parking. This email will outline the essential points that require strict compliance.

Site Signs
All signs relevant to road users must be followed to ensure safe and compliant driving. All drivers are expected to always follow road signs during movements. This doesn’t just apply to GEFCO either; we expect this at all our customer sites. Failure to do so can and has resulted in damage being caused to customer vehicles and could result in more serious outcomes, such as injuries or fatalities.

GEFCO Site Parking

Drivers must not park their own personal vehicles or customer vehicles on-site at GEFCO Sheerness. The site is not insured for drivers to leave their personal vehicles parked on-site, and GEFCO does not and will not allow this. A recent incident caused damage to their property due to being incorrectly parked.

Customer Vehicles
Under no circumstance can customer vehicles be left unaccompanied at any point during a move. We have had numerous reports of site staff noticing customer vehicles being collected from the yard and parked in their on-site staff car park while the respective drivers continue with other moves. This is not acceptable and poses a huge insurance risk for both us and the site. This applies to any customer vehicle.
