Bulletin Board


New Customer Alert

Hi all,

We have recently onboarded a new customer who represents a significant nationwide opportunity. However, it's important to note that this customer exclusively uses the MoDel system, and the success of our partnership with them, as well as the expected volume of business, hinges on our precise execution of the MoDel process.

To understand its importance, failure to meet MoDel requirements to the appropriate standards will compel us to flag you to our audit team who will take the appropriate action, which could be withholding payment for the movement or removing your view of these movements in future. 

To ensure that we meet both our own and the customer's expectations regarding MoDel movement requirements, we've compiled some essential guidelines for your reference. Please note, you are still required to populate the Engineius app too.

The day before the scheduled movement:

  • Please download the necessary job information on the MoDel app the night before the scheduled movement.

  • Ensure that the designated PIN is correctly associated with the movement.

On the day of the movement

  • Standard photographs for both pickup and drop-off locations, just as you would for any other movement. This requirement applies to both our Engineius App and the MoDel app (yes, you have to use both).

  • It's important to resync your movement in the Model App when connected to a Wi-Fi network. In some cases, mobile data may not function reliably for this purpose.

  • If you're headed to a remote location, please make sure that the movement is loaded onto the MoDel app before departing.

Additionally, remember to obtain the customer's signatures within the MoDel App and Engineius App. This is an essential step for dealers to receive payment for their vehicles, and vice versa. It is an integral part of our financial agreement and, therefore, requires a legitimate signature.

Should you encounter any challenges or issues during the process, don't hesitate to reach out to our driver support line for assistance. We genuinely hope to avoid exercising our rights, but it's crucial to understand that we are committed to ensuring the proper fulfilment of our customer's Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
