Topic 3

Our service standards

🡠 Driver Academy

As our driver, you do not only represent us with our clients but also our clients with their end customers.

This means you will be the face of some of the leading fleet companies in the UK and we expect you to follow our service standards on every job. This document includes:

  1. The 5 golden service rules

  2. Offences

1. The 5 golden service rules

Our customers chose us for our superior service offering, which is delivered on every single jobs by drivers such as yourself. Our service is centred around giving customers full visibility over the jobs, from tracking to good photos and time-stampps: Here are five service golden rules that you will need to be followed on ever job.

1. Deliver on time

Book jobs only if you can deliver them within their timelines. Head to pick up location in time, and cater for traffic.

2. Be professional

Follow the dress code, be polite and be aware that you are representing Engineius and its customers while conducting the job.

3. Notify us of any delays

We understand delays might occur. Please get in touch with us as soon as you understand you are running late, providing us with your ETA.

4. Always take good quality photos

Make sure you check your photos quality before uploading them. Our customers and us rely on them to have a full audit trail.

5. Apply zero tolerance on damages

Ensure you capture all damages - including minor scratches - and take relevant photos of them.

2. Offences

Doing any of the following while conducting a movement will result in termination as an Engineius driver. Engaging in any of the following behaviours is not only irresponsible, but it is likely to damage our clients’ reputation which can result in Engineius losing them as customers. Note that we are able to track your speed, location and position of the vehicle you are driving.

1. Damaging The Vehicle

Including scratches, unless you flag this immediately to our Ops team.

2. We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy on impairment

This means that Engineius applies a zero-tolerance approach to both alcohol and drugs.

3. Smoking and Consumption of Food

Drivers must not consume food or drink in a vehicle, with water being the only exception to the rule. Smoking is strictly not permissible in any vehicle. 

4. Unauthorised Movement

Do not use customer vehicles for own use, e.g. personal mileage, or as a chase vehicle. Do not use the vehicle for any purpose other than the booked movement. Do not carry other passengers in the customer vehicle including other Engineius drivers. All will void insurance

5. Leaving The Vehicle in Danger

If carry over is authorised, vehicle must not be left overnight in a public parking lot or with an unauthorised third party. The vehicle must be secured on an authorised off road driveway (your registered address). If a carry over is required always get authorisation from Operations.

6. No-Shows

Not attending a job without notifying Engineius. We understand emergency situations occur - in these instances update Operations as soon as possible via telephone only.

7. Speeding Offences

We do not tolerate speeding, the speed limit is set to ensure safety for all concern and it is the drivers responsibility to be aware of the speed limits at all times. Engineius reserve the right to remove the driver from the network with immediate effect in these incidents.

Click here to read the full policy.

8. Preparation

Ensure you plan responsibly to meet all jobs in time.

  • Don’t take on too many jobs in one day

  • Check the movements before hand - some of our movements have 2 jobs in one, meaning you will be driving 2 different vehicles across 2 different routes.

  • Be on time - if you are running late, keep the customer and us updated.

9. Accidents - Share the pain policy

In cases where you are found at fault for an accident, we will contribute an equal share towards the excess fee. We cap driver liability are £500 (50% of £1000). Job price will be suspended until the incident had been fully investigated. Please remember to drive with due care and attention. Not only will it prevent accidents, it's a common police prosecution category.

Please Note

We record every offence and conduct an internal investigation for each offence. The driver investigated is contacted by our Network Assurance Team to gather any relevant details that can count towards a mitigating circumstance. At the 3rd minor offence, you might be terminated without appeal.


For further details on how to take the right photos, please contact us.


  • Call and let us know on 0121 481 2111.