Bulletin Board


Speeding Policy

Hi all,

We want to take a moment to reinforce our speeding policy to ensure the safety of everyone on the road and maintain the integrity of our service. 

It's crucial to remember that speed limits vary across the UK depending on the road and the vehicle type. The maximum limit for the UK's highest-speed roads is 70mph.

Motorways and applicable dual carriageways are included, and any posted alternative speed limits must be followed.

In short:

  1. Speeding is illegal and endangers you and others on the road.

  2. Please show respect for the vehicles you handle, as they belong to our customers.

  3. Remember that your actions reflect on both Engineius and our customers' reputations.

  4. We do not follow a 3-strike rule for speeding offences.

  5. Flagged speeding can lead to a first and final warning, followed by close monitoring.

  6. Failure to improve may result in removal from our network

Driver Responsibility ✅

It's your sole responsibility to monitor your vehicle's speed and adhere to relevant speed limits. Our Engineius app tracks your speed and route during movements, allowing us to review your speed data.

Contrary to a common misconception, there is no 10% leeway for speed limits. Any speed exceeding the limit is an offence. 

Your commitment to road safety and adherence to speed limits is essential. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
