Bulletin Board


Waiting Time Expenses on Early/Late Collection

If an early or late collection has been agreed we do not pay waiting time outside of the original time slot of the job.

For example, if a job had a pick-up window of 1200-1600 and you call in to say you could pick-up at 10am (needs to be agreed by Ops in the first instance), then ended up waiting till 1130 to pick-up the vehicle there would not be any waiting time paid.

The reason for this is due to various factors in play when we price a job for our customers like location, the amount of notice we have to conduct the movement, the time slot etc. It is for these kind of reasons we cannot then charge back the waiting time to the customer if it falls outside the original time slot.

For the record this has always been the case but a friendly reminder to our currently growing Network.

Take care and safe travels

Network Team