Driver Of The Month: December 2021

We are delighted to announce Peter Daly-Dickson as our Driver of the Month for December - congratulations, Peter!

Peter is a valuable member of our supplier network and he always remains prepared and diligent for every movement he completes.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Peter from both the Engineius team and our customers - and we look forward to working with you further in 2022!

Make sure to find out about Peter's keys to success in our latest blog 👇

What do you love most about the job?

The chance to meet lots of diverse, interesting people! For example, the other morning I picked up a car from a young couple in Walsall. It turned out that the husband is an advanced tactical driver with the West Midlands police. As we were waiting for the car to be prepared, there was time to have a conversation. It was fascinating! If I have any amount of waiting time with a customer I'll usually find a way to get them talking about their job or interests. When I'm curious, I find most people are eager to tell their stories.

How do you ensure you deliver vehicles on time?

Start early! I also have a lot of buffer time in my plan. Studies have shown an inverse correlation between the amount of time you have to make a connection on public transport and the chance of missing that connection! 😉 This week, for example, I had a 1.5hr delay at the beginning of my day through no fault of my own, yet I still completed my final drop-off within 10 mins of when I'd planned.

What has been your best experience with Engineius so far?

Can I have two?! First, interacting with the Operations team has been great, particularly working with Liv and Katie. Secondly, it's got to be driving a Tesla which I finally managed to do last week! It was like driving a real-life Scaletrix!

How many miles do you do on average a week?

Over the last two weeks, I've averaged 740 miles per week.

What do you think are the secrets behind getting to where you’ve got to?

My overriding philosophy in life is that you can get whatever you want if you help enough other people get what they want. As much as possible I apply this philosophy in all my interactions with everyone I come across. Even though I didn't know the criteria, I had a goal to become Driver of the Month within 3 months... so I'd say it's worked as well in driving with Engineius as it has anywhere else.

What drives you to succeed in this job?

The same thing that drives me to succeed in anything... a desire to be the best!

Do you reconcile your jobs and expenses on a regular basis?

Yes, absolutely, 100%! I make time to do this on a daily basis because otherwise, it becomes too big of an admin job. Little and often wins the race for me as far as reconciling jobs and expenses are concerned. I also have a process for logging receipts using the Photos app on my iPhone which I follow as soon as I incur any expense, even Waiting Time. This helps enormously with daily reconciliations.

What are you most excited for next year?

Working with Engineius and seeing exciting new locations - I'm going to crush it next year!

What makes Engineius a special place to work?

For me, it's the synthesis between humans and technology that I find most stimulating. I come from a tech background, so I fully appreciate all that goes into the app and the portal. Because of my profound interest and curiosity about humanity, I love that a human 'interface' is required to make the tech fully functional and valuable.

What is the best advice you can give other drivers?

  1. Be paranoid about keeping your phone charged. I invested in a great portable charger and it's been worth every penny!

  2. Record each leg of your daily plan on Google Maps on your PC/Laptop and save each route-specific URL for easy recall throughout the day.

  3. Use TrainSplit to buy your train tickets as it's optimised to reduce your costs, as opposed to Trainline which is optimised to get you to your destination as quickly as possible.


By winning Driver of the Month, you not only have the opportunity to feature on the company website, but you will also receive a brand new high-vis Engineius-branded jacket as a thank you from the Engineius team for all your hard work! Could you be our January Driver of the Month?

Seeking commercial movements? Find out more today.

Want to drive with Engineius? Apply now.


On The Road: Yasmina Begum


On The Road: Nicole Phillips