On The Road: Nicole Phillips

At Engineius, we know how important it is for our internal staff to carry out movements for themselves so that they can understand what life is really like for Engineius drivers.

Through our ‘On The Road’ series, customers and drivers alike will have the opportunity to put a face to a name and see how staff members fared on the road.

First up is Nicole Phillips, who joined Engineius at the beginning of November as a Network Specialist. Read on further to find out a little bit more about Nicole and her first movement 👇

Tell us more about what you do at Engineius?

My role at Engineius is a Network Specialist. Being relatively new, I am still learning on the job and so far I have been carrying out tasks such as checking that the drivers are being compliant, that they are carrying out a good standard of work, trade plate utilisation, and dealing with tickets that are coming through, to name a few of the admin-based elements of my role.

What did you do before Engineius?

Before Engineius, I worked in Finance for a well-established equestrian company, and I also worked as a Transport Planner/Driver Manager for The Cotswold Company (Home Delivery Fleet).

How did you find the trip overall?

I think the trip was a much-needed important experience as it allowed me to gain insight into what our drivers go through on a day-to-day basis when completing movements. My job was to complete the movement of a (very nice) Land Rover, collecting it from Leamington Spa and delivering it to Erdington in Birmingham. The trip was straightforward enough, especially as I went through the Driver Academy training with Gemma. Even though it was raining, it was great to be out of the office on the road!

What did you enjoy most about your trip?

The cup of tea and warm welcome that I received on arrival at Jardine, and Stephen Chalkley’s life stories about his local area! 😄

Is there a location in the UK that you would like to travel through on your next job?

I would probably say the Cotswolds, or somewhere scenic like that!

What is your dream car?

Tricky one! Either a G-Wagon (ambitious), Audi Q5 Sportback, or a Range Rover Evoque Sport.

And finally, an interesting fact about yourself?

I am ¼ Japanese, and my family (now ancestors) are the founders of the Kawasaki Motorcycles!


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Driver Of The Month: December 2021


Driver Of The Month: November 2021