Engineius saves fleets 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 in 2022

In 2022 alone, Engineius’ award-winning, technology-enabled service saved fleets 1,838,232 tonnes of CO2 just by adopting a greener approach to vehicle movement. All fleets are tasked with finding new ways to reduce their emissions in addition to switching to EVs and this is a great place to start.

How was this saving achieved? Tris Benson, commercial director, Engineius explains: “We don’t use chaser vehicles. This outdated practice more than doubles the mileage for a delivery. Our EV deliveries are driven and not transported on diesel trucks, which sounds obvious, but is not yet the industry standard practice and we offer an entirely digital journey”. 

“Like in many aspects of life, these wins are small, yet should not be overlooked as collectively they provide significant wins for Fleet Manager in reducing their carbon emissions”.

Research conducted by Engineius found that EVs were being delivered on diesel transporters, which is completely opposed to the EV cause, and more expensive! This is due to EVs being significantly heavier than their fossil-fuelled counterparts and therefore has implications for transported delivery. Engineius recommends that the greenest option is to drive and not transport, and with EVs mileage range ever improving this is an increasingly low-risk option.

A single vehicle movement historically created several pieces of paper for each transaction, which is not a particularly green process either. The Engineius digital journey removes the need for unnecessary paperwork and takes the whole process online, reducing administration and processing costs.

Engineius can help whether you run a fleet of 20,000 vehicles or just 2. It is an on-demand service with no minimum order requirement or licence fee. The one-stop-shop offering can cater for all vehicle movement needs whether driven, plated or transported operating across the whole of the UK.

Benson concludes: “Engineius is driven by technology, and all users will benefit from our commitment to ongoing research and development to continually improve our digital journey and reduce the impact of vehicle movement on the environment.”



On the Road: Jack Webb


Driver Of The Month: January 2023