Improving Our Customer and Supplier Experience

To help educate our customers, as well as our supplier network, we have set our sights on creating a series of videos to assist with booking and managing movements, help get more from your Engineius account, and provide drivers with the guidance they need to use our mobile portal and app. So, what customer videos are in the pipeline?

1. Booking A Movement

The Engineius portal provides an easy way for you to book, track and manage vehicle movement, all in one place. In this video, we will be looking at the landing page, the ‘Listed Orders’ tab, and the 4 key steps to placing your order, including vehicle details, route and timings, the review page and submitting your order.

2. Manage Existing Bookings

Another essential video in the making for our customers is Managing Existing Bookings. Here, we provide a detailed overview of 5 checkpoints. Firstly, we show customers how to check their orders and receive a detailed breakdown of the cost, vehicle information, driver information, driver checklist, task information, and pictures that have been taken in respect of the job.

We discuss how customers can cancel orders when mistakes are made, and explain how to make minor edits to orders, especially when updating job order details. Of course, on the day of your scheduled move, you might want to track your order in real-time, so we have provided a full breakdown to track your order and share details of the move with colleagues or customers.

Finally, if you need proof of delivery once a move has been completed, we have provided the actions to make this possible.

3. Get More From Your Account

The third video we have planned to bring to our customers in the next month is our Get More From Your Account recording. Here, we will be seeing what more our portal has to offer, including the departments and teams section, multiple driver checklists, and more advanced functions including copying orders.

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As for our drivers, it is with utmost importance that they know how to use our technology to provide the best experience for our customers. With that in mind, we have the following supplier videos planned over the next couple of months.

1. How To Use The Engineius Mobile Portal

For both new and current drivers, we are developing content to show drivers how to best use our mobile portal. Here, they can find everything they need to know, from updating their availability, searching and booking jobs, rejecting jobs and adjusting their location to cater to their upcoming workload.

2. How To Use The Engineius App

The Engineius app is crucial for our drivers to track and complete work. In this video, we teach drivers where to find their allocated movements, what to do when beginning a movement, and the process when collecting or delivering a vehicle to the end customer, including how to capture photos and signatures on the app. 

We discuss the built in search functionality, allowing drivers to see what, where and when other movements are available. Finally, we explain how drivers can bid on and take work using the app.

3. How To Progress With Engineius

Our rapid growth as one of the leading vehicle movement operators in the UK has meant that our back-office staff has grown accordingly. On the field, experience is highly valued, and we now feature two of our previously best drivers in our network management team. With this in mind, there is scope for even more progression amongst our network, to support other drivers through the ranks, from their first Engineius job and beyond. 

In this video, we discuss the qualities and skills required to progress further in the company.

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What other videos would you like us to create? Are there other areas of the customer portal you would like us to focus on? Let us know by emailing

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Driver Of The Month: August