Road to Plated

Things are changing at Engineius. With our Driver Academy in full swing, and even more drivers joining onto our network, we have seen some great talent coming through.

From this new pool of drivers, we have seen a select few spring through the onboarding phases from applicant to plated driver status. We have been fortunate enough to get in contact with 3 of these motivated individuals to learn how they did it!

Michael Warbrick

Did you expect to progress this quickly here at Engineius?


I never expected to obtain my trade plates so quickly. I guessed that it was something everybody would be trying to get and I would have to work my way up over an extended period of time.

How did you find the onboarding process?

I found the job ad online and applied through the interactive application process. Everything was so smooth and Sam was a great help during the recruitment and also provided a lot of help and tips to get me started. No problem was too big or small, he was always available for any questions that arose.

What has surprised you about the job so far?

My biggest surprise is how quickly I have progressed to a trade plate driver and how helpful everybody is. Whether it be a friendly call to check how you are getting along, or operations assisting to book jobs.

What do you love most about the job?

I love the variation the work provides, one day you can be driving Prestige and another day moving commercial vehicles. Everyday is a new day and a new adventure. I love to travel and work independently so this job allows me to mix work and pleasure together.

Kim Williams

Did you expect to progress this quickly here at Engineius?

Not at all! I’m quite shocked at how quickly I’ve progressed!


I suppose throwing my self in at the beginning really paid off. I found the app and support along the way to be very encouraging and it helped me to jump right in.  

How did you find the onboarding process?

I found it really easy and straight forward from getting my DBS check done and then the support offered during my first few pickups. I’ve found Sam to be a great virtual mentor and I honestly don’t think I’d have come this far this soon and as confidently as I have without him at the end of the phone!

What has surprised you about the job so far?

The flexibility and ease! Each day is a little different. I’m starting to get to know people at certain pick-up and drop-off sites, so it’s not as lonely as I initially thought it could be. It’s quite nice meeting new faces and being in different places each day. 

What do you love most about the job?

I enjoy the flexibility. The fact I can pick and choose when and where I want to work is great. I enjoy being my own boss and enjoy driving to new and different places. 

I find the team very friendly and they are always on hand to help! 

Norman Coppin

Did you expect to progress this quickly here at Engineius?


I never thought about it! So to be told that you achieved something, while not knowing, at my age is a bonus. I am chuffed and I am grateful for the acknowledgement and feedback, knowing that I am doing things right!

How did you find the onboarding process?

I found the onboarding process pretty straightforward and easy to do. I still tend to go back to the Academy from time to time to brush up and just things correctly.

What has surprised you about the job so far?

Taking into consideration that I have done similar work before, I haven't been much surprised at the work we are doing!

What do you love most about the job?

I like most the freedom of choice, by choosing when and where to work. I also love the opportunity we get to drive some of the top cars!

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Driver Of The Month: July