Welcome Pack

This page will provide you with all the necessary information on setting yourself up on our portal, searching and booking jobs, and progressing in your career as an Engineius Driver.

1. Set up your Engineius account

1. Sign Up: Using your laptop, click on this link to sign up for an Engineius Account.

2. Password Reset: We’ll confirm your account and you’ll be sent a password reset link (this can only be sent during working hours). Create a password once you receive this, and then log in to the portal: https://portal.engineius.co.uk/

3. Registration Checklist: Once logged in, you will need to complete the registration checklist to set up your profile. Read the full the information below, to ensure you set yourself up correctly

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3.1 Tell Us Your Capabilities and When you Want to Work

With a standard licence you will need to select the following capabilties:

  • Driven: Uninsured - Less than 3.5t

  • Driven: Insured - Less than 3.5t

  • Driven: Prestige - Less than 3.5t

If you are a HGV driver (C and D type driver licence), you should select other options against the 3 above categories (e.g. Driven: Insured - 3.5t-7.5t). Please ensure all transported options are left unticked. Once you are done, click save.

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3.2 Accept Self-Billing Agreement

In this section, you need to agree to having invoices automatically generated for you. To do so, tick the check-box “I Agree to Engineius creating invoices on my behalf” and click on Agree.

Note that this is a condition of working with Engineius, as we do not accept invoices being sent into the business. Our payment system is fully automated.

3.3 Tell Us Where you Want To Work

This is a crucial part of your portal set up. This is where you select areas you are interested to see jobs in.

Once you open this section, click on “Default Region”, and then on “Default Depot”. You will see a map of the UK appearing on the right hand-side of the screen,

Note: To maximise your earnings and see return jobs, we recommend selecting all locations. You can always amend this later.

Once finished the “UK” tab, please repeat the same process for the “London” tab (top left corner).

3.4 Enter Your Bank Account Details

Here we require you to enter your full name, account number and sort code.

Please note that sort code requires dashes, such as this example: 12-34-56.

3.5 Accept Our Terms & Conditions

Please review our T&Cs and if you agree, tick off the check-box “I Agree to these details”, then click on Save. You can also download these T&Cs as a PDF.

2. Manage your availability

Managing your availability is essential to ensure we contact you only when you intend to work for us. Similarly, it helps us direct our vehicle movement specialists’ efforts towards drivers that are available.

  1. Open Your Calendar: You can open your calendar at any time by selecting “My Schedule”. If you do not update your availability frequently, you will be prompted to do so via a pop-up window (left image).

  2. Calendar Settings: The calendar will display you as available unless stated differently. Being “Available” means that our Operations team will reach out to you to deploy jobs (central image).

  3. Updating Your Availability: To update your availability, simply click on the day you are unavailable, then click “Done” (right image).

Availability pop up message

Availability pop up message

Default setting = Available

Default setting = Available

Update to “Unavailable”

Update to “Unavailable”

3. Next Steps

Thank you for completing the Driver Academy & the Welcome Pack. We appreciate all your efforts to go through our lengthy application process. The quality checks we have put in place are intended to maintain the highest possible quality across our network.

The next step is to complete an induction session. We will be in touch to book this is.

Once you have completed this, you will be given access to the jobs on the portal & receive support from our Network Planners. They will guide you through your first 2 weeks with us. The aim is to support you for the first 10 movements. Once you reach this stage, you will become an Operational Driver.

This means you are no longer considered a “New” driver but rather an experienced one. Furthermore, the Operational status makes you eligible to receive Trade Plates.

We currently have a wide network of trade plated drivers, that attend movements of vehicles not taxed hence requiring trade plates. That is often the case for online dealers, or used vehicles movements.

We have recently seen a surge in demand for trade plates movements, and have other trade plates to allocate. Being a trade plated driver means you will effectively be able to see 100% of all our jobs.

Trade plates are allocated depending on customer demand by area and your own performance and reliability. To obtain them, you will need to sign our T&Cs of use and pay a small deposit of £30, which would cover the cost of us replacing the plates.