Bulletin Board


Improper Use of Mobile Phones

Hi all,

We have recently received another complaint regarding the improper use of mobile phones while driving. Any driver caught using their mobile phone unlawfully will be immediately removed from the network. Such behaviour is not only illegal and dangerous but also poses a significant risk to the reputation of Engineius and our customers, potentially leading to reduced business volume.
If you do not have a hands-free Bluetooth device or cannot connect your phone to the vehicle, please refrain from answering any calls until you have safely pulled over to a legal stopping point. This instruction applies to calls from us as well. Our priority is your safety and compliance with the law, so you must prioritise this over answering calls without a legal means to do so.

As shown in the image above, many of our customers have advanced safety monitoring equipment installed in their commercial vehicles, including cameras. Furthermore, modern cars are equipped with sophisticated sensors that provide valuable data and safety insights regarding driver behaviour. This monitoring technology can detect instances of illegal mobile phone use while driving.
To reiterate, drivers caught using their mobile phones illegally while driving will be swiftly removed from the Engineius network.
