Bulletin Board


Jackpot Prize Draw

Hi all,

An end-of-the-month special! On Friday 31st March only, any moves started and completed on the day will be entered into a draw to win £250 🤑

What do you have to do?

If you haven't got a planned job for Friday 31st, simply grab and complete one on the day to be entered. The more completed moves you do on the day, the more entries you will have!

I already have a job scheduled, am I entered?

If you already have a move scheduled, fantastic! That is 1 entry! But the more you grab and complete on the day, the more entries you have, so you could also add a link up to make 2 entries!

This prize draw only applies to jobs completed on Friday 31st March.

The winner will be announced on Wednesday 5th April 2023.
