Bulletin Board


Payment upon Inspection type jobs and how our business is evolving

Historically, we have always gone after a wide variety of customers with different business models.

This is why we have a wide variation on servicing requirements from job to job. We find this desirable, as it allows us to generate criss-cross traffic and make it possible for drivers to find jobs to link up.

As of late, due to microchip shortage, new car deliveries have been dramatically reduced and businesses buying used cars from public has seen a corresponding increase.

We now have several customers who effectively use our services as their 'Boots on the ground', to inspect and verify conditions of vehicles and report back on any issues that could affect the value of a vehicle.

On the back of this, we will soon be introducing an enhancement within the App, that will allow us to be more prescriptive on actions required.

Don't worry, it is our intention to pay extra where appropriate - just allow us to fine tune this offering.

However, I feel a need to clarify a few points on these Payment Upon Inspection Type jobs, as there appears to be too many incorrect assumptions being made:

Firstly, all our customers involved in Payment Upon Inspection jobs are classified as Motor Traders in the eyes of DVLA.

  • When they purchase a vehicle from a vendor, their instructions is that the vendor allows the Motor Trader to register the sale with DVLA.

  • In turn, they will never declare a Sale until the vehicle has been delivered by us into their compound of choice. This means that, the road tax on these vehicles will not be cancelled until after we have completed delivery.


Secondly, certain customers of this variety will require a quick test drive, as part of their inspection process.

  • We have arranged with our insurance provider to cover these test drives ahead of the vehicle being purchased.

  • For test drives, it is literally a quick spin down the road and back.

  • You are not expected to be a trained mechanic, they just wish to understand that the vehicle can be driven (so get it into 2nd & 3rd gear and no more), no warning lights flashing up and no obvious faults detectable.

Lastly, never forget to check that all tyres are legal.

  • Always carry a spare 20pence coin with you, so that you can conduct a quick check.

  • Never drive a vehicle with illegal tyres.

  • It's not worth placing yourself in harm's way nor the potential points if caught driving with illegal tyres.

  • Full Abort fee applies when a vehicle cannot be driven due to illegal tyres.

There will be another article later this week on the new Enhanced Checklist.

In the meantime, please send in any questions to: network@engineius.co.uk

Safe Travels

Monty Law

Network Manager