Covid-19 Update

On 22 September, the UK Government issued a range of new restrictions in light of the sharp rise in Covid-19 cases recorded in recent weeks. We would like to take this opportunity to remind our customers, suppliers and staff of what we are doing to continue to operate safely following recent developments. 

Our full Covid-19 policy is enclosed in this article, correct as of publishing on 24 September. 

For quick reference as to how we’ve considered the changes that were introduced by the Government in September 2020: 

Key Behaviours: Hands, Face, Space: Drivers are under instruction to wear gloves throughout the movement and wipe down the key touch points in the vehicle. A socially distanced and fully contactless handover process is in place, 

Face Coverings: face coverings are also advised throughout the movement process.

Working From Home: We are exercising maximum flexibility with office based staff for home-working, so far as it can be done so “effectively” for the business and its customers, in line with Government policy

Businesses: We will continue to operate our full vehicle movement services across the UK. The new restrictions do not have any specific bearings on Engineius in terms of business closure or restricted operations (it is largely leisure and entertainment sectors affected) 

Meeting People Safely: We will continue to conduct meetings virtually entirely remotely, exercising discretion as to when in-person meetings are essential. We will minimise the size of groups and the travel required.  

If you would like any further information on our Covid-19 policy, please do get in touch with us at

Engineius: Covid-19 Policy, September 2020

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What is Engineius’ Coronavirus policy? 

Engineius continues to operate its full vehicle movement services across the UK, as it has done throughout the Virus period. To enable us to do so safely, we have made adaptations to our working practices to keep all parties safe. 

Our planning assumption is for restrictions to last indefinitely and we are prepared to continue to operate our adapted model accordingly. 

What are the reasons behind this policy? 

We have made 3 key considerations in creating our Covid-19 policy: 

#1 The Government’s Advice 

For companies: Throughout the lockdown period, logistics has remained a critical function which has been expressly allowed under UK Government advice. We are observing the restrictions such as the list of businesses that must remain closed amongst other key government communications to ensure we remain compliant as restrictions are implemented and lifted periodically (both on a regional and national basis). 

For individuals/workers, home working has been encouraged wherever possible, However, we are comfortable that our suppliers should continue to work, given the nature of the services they are providing, which inherently cannot be done from home. 

Continuing to work with Engineius is entirely at the discretion of the worker or agent; we fully respect anyone who wishes not to work with us in this period. 

#2 Customers’ Needs

The disruption of Covid-19 to UK businesses has been extremely significant already and will likely deepen further as restrictions persist. 

We are proud to have continued to support all of our customers with full vehicle movement services throughout this disruption; we have not altered commercial terms to do so. We are keen to continue to play our role in helping businesses and individuals through the disrupted period. 

#3 Drivers’ & Agents’ Needs

The financial impact of the virus for self-employed individuals and small businesses has been and will be devastating. We have grown strongly as a business throughput 2020 and are providing increasing earning opportunities for our growing supplier network. It remains entirely the decision of each individual supplier to work with Engineius (always and in this period). 

What measures are we taking to move vehicles safely? 

Maintaining the safety of our suppliers, customers and staff is our number one priority as a business until the virus threat is negligible. Chiefly, we are monitoring the Government’s advice for industries relating to vehicles closely and will continue to follow it. 

We have what we see to be a safe, practical set of steps that all of our suppliers follow on all movements for all customers. We have aligned to the Government’s latest slogan of “Hands, Face, Space”: 

  1. Hands

    1. The use of gloves throughout the entire duration of all vehicle movements 

    2. The use of disinfecting equipment to wipe down all key touch points in the vehicle

  2. Face 

    1. Suppliers are being advised to wear masks in vehicles, although given no other passengers are ever present in customer vehicles we have not mandated this

  3. Space

    1. A strictly non-contact hand over process (no electronic signature) 

    2. 2-metre social distancing maintained at all times; expressly, no in-vehicle handover/demo procedures;  

To further protect our suppliers, staff, and customers, we are: 

  1. Asking suppliers to call ahead to customers to confirm any Virus-related processes on site

  2. Directly distributing equipment to our drivers and agents wherever they flag they cannot obtain such equipment 

  3. Auditing drivers and agents to make sure they are operating safely for their own and customers’ sake; 

  4. Continuing restrictions on who can work for us to ensure “at-risk” groups (particularly older workers) are not working 

  1. Exercising maximum flexibility with office based staff for home-working, so far as it can be done so “effectively” for the business and its customers, in line with Government policy

  1. Using planning assumptions that all such measures to last indefinitely

  2. Introducing customer feedback surveys post-movement, to include Covid-specific feedback

What are we asking of our customers? 

Our services will inevitably face disruption whilst restrictions are in place, worker illness is higher than usual, and the transport network is running below full capacity. 

We are therefore asking customers for maximum flexibility on all orders placed (maximum lead times, maximum time windows), and for understanding if movements fail due to reasons out of our control.

In addition, we are asking that customers:

  1. Inform us of what they are doing to keep vehicles sanitised and protect their users and partners

  2. Keep us fully informed of any changes to pick-up and drop-off sites’ opening times and procedures;

  3. Ensure (even more so than usual) that payment terms are met

What communications are we making?

We will issue updates to customers following major events or announcements that affect our policy as a business or our ability to deliver the service we offer. 

Internal staff and suppliers continue to receive regular communications on matters relating to Covid-19 to ensure ongoing compliance and safety.  If you’d like to find out more, please contact us using the information below. 

On behalf of Engineius,

Chris Clibbery, CEO
Alastair Akers, Operations Director
Calum Slowther, Commercial Director 

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