Employee of the Month: Karolina Kotkowska

Congratulations to Karolina Kotkowska, our brilliant Onboarding & Development Advisor, on being awarded Employee of the Month.

Your hard work, dedication, and positive attitude have not gone unnoticed. Your commitment to going the extra mile and consistently performing well in your role is truly impressive!

Read more to find out about Karolina and what her useless (impressive) talent is 🤩

Karolina Kotkowska - Engineius Employee of the Month February

What do you do for Engineius?

I am an Onboarding & Development Advisor. My main role is to induct new suppliers, during the induction we cover many topics like using the Portal, using the Engineius App, Policies & Procedures and many more important things.

The induction prepares new suppliers to feel prepared, ready to carry out movements to the best level of customer service & professionalism. 

What motivates you to do well in your role?

One of many things that motivate me is the satisfaction of making a change on someone’s life.

It doesn’t always need to be something big but even if I’ve managed to put a smile of someone’s face or helped them… it’s always the little things that keep me going. 

What playlist do you listen to in the car the most?

This is the hardest question so far haha. I listen to all types of music depending on my mood. I love music from different countries all around the world.

However, D-Block Europe is my go to for any situation 🤌🏼✨

Spotify - D-Block Europe Sound Track

What do you like most about working for Engineius?

Literally everything! I absolutely love my role as I get to meet new people each week (might not be in person but the Teams calls still count haha) and it allows me to be myself.

I also get to work with many individuals who are very talented and inspiring. 

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

I love going on walks. Being surrounded by nature allows me to relax and clear my head.

As long as there is trees, grass and preferably a river or a lake… that’s my definition of peace. 

Lake in the UK

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

If you drove at an average rate of 60 MPH, you could make it to the moon in less than six months 🌙

Describe one thing you've learnt in your role?

So far one of the things I have learnt/developed is to be more understanding.

All of us learn in different ways and it’s so important to be accommodating to each individual in order to give them the best experience during the Induction process. 

What’s the most useless talent you have?

I’m 90% confident I could change brake pads by myself. All thanks to my dad (I was the chosen one to hold the torch all the time while he was fixing his car). Why is it useless you may ask? I don’t have a car lol 🤣


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