Vehicle Movement Can Be Greener

Although in excess of 20 million vehicle movements occur in the UK each year, the vehicle movement sector is still considered to be the late adopters of the most efficient and greenest practise.

Before launching in April 2018, Engineius conducted extensive research into the vehicle movement sector. It was common practice for chaser vehicles to be deployed when delivering a vehicle or a minibus-style drop off and pick up for drivers to deliver the vehicles. 

Engineius identified that for every 10 miles of vehicle movement needed these practices actually meant that 24 miles were driven, more than doubling the driving miles and, even more worryingly, doubling the emissions. Multiply that figure by the actual number of vehicle movements and the distance of each movement for each fleet and the unnecessary additional miles and increase in emissions is staggering.

Engineius simply drives the vehicle from A to B and eliminates those extra miles. We operate a leading-edge tech platform which empowers logistics planning and automatically assign suppliers onward journeys to minimise unproductive miles. By matching movements and utilising public transport where necessary, Engineius significantly reduces emissions from its vehicle movement miles.


To date we have saved over 1000 tonnes of CO2 and, as all fleets are tasked with finding ways to reduce their emissions, this is a great place to start.

There are other benefits to fewer miles being driven, such as reducing congestion, increasing economic productivity, and - crucially - lowering the risk of road injuries and deaths.

Another surprising find from our research was that EVs were being delivered on diesel transporters, which is completely opposed to EV cause. The greenest option is to drive EVs, not transport them, and Engineius provides this service. The handover with an EV is essential too, and with approaching 4,000 EVs delivered by Engineius, our drivers are well trained in offering this service.

A single vehicle movement historically created several pieces of paper for each transaction, which is not a particularly green process either. The Engineius platform removes the need for unnecessary paperwork and takes the whole process online, reducing administration and processing costs.

Not using chaser vehicles, driving EVs for delivery and adopting an entirely digital process all contribute to making vehicle movement greener. These are small, yet incredibly significant steps towards a greener environment, driven by technology and a genuine desire to promote a better tomorrow for tomorrow’s fleets.

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